Pepe Azul is a terrific coffee roasted by Madcap Coffee Company that showcases the remarkable quality that can be achieved through meticulous attention to detail and commitment at the farm level to the highest standard of quality. This coffee comes from the father-son duo of Pepe and Pepe (there is also a grandson … Pepe) in Intag, Imbabura in northern Ecuador. Pepe Azul is a complex coffee with juicy acidity and notes of floral, spice and tangerine.

This offering from Madcap Coffee is a special selection comprised of 100% Typica Mejorada variety. The selection is comprised of only the ripest coffee cherries on the farm, and their harvesting, processing and fermentation methods, while traditional, are rigorously tested, refined and evaluated to ensure a high level of quality.

Pepe and Pepe also hold firm to their core values of working in harmony with the land and respecting the welfare of their employees. They constantly evaluate farming practices to minimize impact on the surrounding area, and offer high wages, competitive salaries and benefits to their full-time employees. While their cost of production is relatively high, so is the quality of life and work environment on the farm.

Pepe Azul (Ecuador)
Region: Intag, Imbabura
Variety: Typica Mejorada
Altitude: 1,700 masl
Processing: Washed and dried on raised beds

Pepe and Pepe’s passion can be seen in every aspect of their coffee production, including their quirky nighttime ritual of blasting classic rock on vinyl (notably, Jimi Hendrix) across the farm.